Are you protecting your energy?
I started listening to a book on Audible about energy cords the other day. The author shared that she doesn’t believe that we need to protect our energy because it allows us to believe that we’re separate from each other and that it will stop us from embracing all that life is with open arms.
I agree completely that we’re all connected and that one of the most important aspects of our soul’s journey is to experience all that there is, BUT I think that if we don’t protect our energy we’re not making the greatest choice.
Early on in my spiritual journey and learning that I was an empath, I would become drained so quickly and easily. I would have to take a nap or just veg out. Essentially I would become dead to the world. Having two young children really didn’t make that easy to do.
I didn’t understand how to stop the energy zap that would happen each and every time.
My Reiki teacher suggested I envision a metal box around myself that would allow other people’s energy to penetrate my energy field and it wouldn’t allow them to take my energy from me.
I was new to visualizing as well so I bought a charm bracelet that had a gift charm. When I knew I would be around people or in situations that could suck my energy from me, I’d wear it as my reminder to protect myself and my energy.
I hope this helps you remind to do so as well to be able to enjoy your interactions from a safe, healthy place :)