A Matter Of Mindset
I am a strong believer in seeing the bright side of things and getting the most out of everything, but I also believe that everyone should feel all of their emotions instead of ignoring them in order to receive the message that they bring.
Now, in theory, that’s all good but when it comes to practice, it’s very hard to let those emotions come through and not feel deeply affected by them.
Lower vibrating emotions like anger, rage, grievance, and all the funky stuff, tend to feel comfortable and stick around for more than they should. Now I want to ask you:
how long are you going to sit in that?
How long do you want to let it rule your world?
When will you -consciously- stop ruminating?
When you're ready, what are you going to decide to get out of this?
All of these questions' answers are determined by the mindset you choose to stick to from now on.
For the next few days, try to make one small shift in your mindset. Question yourself and your belief systems, especially about yourself.
Who are you going to choose to be today and every day?
It really is a choice.
We can choose to see absence in our lives or choose to see possibilities in our circumstances.
Please know that you are not alone and you have the power to choose the way you build your life from now on.
I’m proud of you and can’t wait to hear of the shifts that happen when you begin choosing yourself!