The Real Reason You're Overwhelmed (And It’s Not What You Think)

The Real Reason You're Overwhelmed (And It’s Not What You Think)
Kim Keane

In this episode, we dive deep into the feeling of overwhelm and explore the real reasons behind it—reasons that might surprise you. The host shares a personal journey of struggling with the weight of responsibilities, the pressure of multiple labels from a therapist, and an overwhelming need to gather information to find a solution. Despite attempting to lighten the load by letting go of jobs and commitments, the feeling of overwhelm persisted.

The turning point came when the host realized the true source of their overwhelm: life felt completely out of control. With too much uncertainty in every aspect—whether it was parenting, work, or healing—the crushing weight was not just about having too much to do, but about feeling lost in an unpredictable world.

If you're feeling similarly stuck, this episode is for you. Learn about mindfulness practices that can help you regain control and relieve the burden of overwhelm, so you can get out of bed and face the day with clarity and peace.

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