Are you winning today?

I have a question for you: Does every day have to feel like a win?

If the answer was ‘yes’, what do you need to feel that way?

Not losing your patience with your kids? And your partner? And yourself?

Getting everything done on your to-do list?

Being ‘on’ for your kids, giving them your attention, being completely tuned into them?

If you’ve listened to my podcast, this is how I used to think about life… Every. Single. Day HAD to be a win.

In fact, all of those things had to happen for me to feel good enough - yet never satisfied.

Because what I wanted to happen, was not happening so I always felt like I was failing.

I was crumbling under all the pressure.

I was miserable and didn’t know how to escape that reality, and the saddest part is that I programmed myself for that situation to occur all the time.

It doesn’t have to be this way though, but in order for us to change it, we must acknowledge that some days we’ll win, some days might not feel like it and that’s ok. The goal shouldn’t be to be perfect, have spotless lives and have everything under control. The ultimate goal should be making the most out of each and every day, every situation and learning from them so the next day, we can make it better than the last. That’s the real win!

What’s one thing you can do to shift your perspective on creating a ‘win’ in your day?


Breathe With Me Real Quick


Set yourself free from expectations