Who Owns Your Mind?

Let me tell you something I’ve learned:

If your mind is filled with negative thoughts, dear, you don’t own your mind.

And I know that this sounds crazy but it’s absolutely true, because negative thoughts, most of the time, are not naturally born within us.

They come from fear, anxiety, sadness, shame, opinions, perspectives, lack of self-recognition, feeling unworthy and the list goes on.

The thing is that we’re so used to these negative thoughts and self-invalidating behaviors, that sometimes we:

  1. Don’t have a clue that those thoughts are hanging up there and affecting us as much as they are.

  2. Believe that there can be something better for us than what we’re already conditioned to believe.

And this crappy trap has a reason behind it and is that the more that we allow these thoughts to be our truth, the more we feel comfortable and protected by them. Comfort is safe, stepping out of the comfort zone sounds terribly scary if you’re not ready and most of us were never trained to be ready and chase something different, something better, happier, etcetera.

Actually, there’s where limiting beliefs come from. We’re not conscious of the great power we hold within ourselves and that kind of ignorance is dangerous for us, even when we don’t feel like it.

If you’re ready to break those beliefs and start stepping into your best reality, I want to share some tips with you:

  • Attack your negative thoughts: Most of those beliefs and fears are primarily irrational so using rationality can help you stop for a second and give your brain the space to understand that there IS actually another point of view, that the circumstances are not what we believe they are and, in consequence, those negative thoughts will start to diminish and/or transform into something more productive.

  • Work on your self-perception: When you start consciously perceiving yourself, soon you’ll realize that most of the ‘truths’ you believe about yourself, were imprinted by the exterior or third parties. Is that who you are? 

Here’s when you start to realize that the less you know yourself, the more you let them define you and your thoughts… The more space they own.

  • Flip the switch: A quick way to start rewiring your brain is swapping from a negative thought to a positive one that contradicts it right away. 

Remember that the fact that your brain worked a certain way in the past, doesn’t really mean that you can’t take the driver’s seat at some point. 

I believe in you!


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