Second Sign You’re Ready To Start Healing: A Strong Desire to Reconnect with Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Kimberly Keane Kimberly Keane

Second Sign You’re Ready To Start Healing: A Strong Desire to Reconnect with Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

If you think you're ready to start your healing journey, or you're not quite sure and looking for a sign, here’s your sign. This is the second sign that you want to feel more connected with who you are on a deep level—mind, body, and spirit—because honestly, you're tired of feeling like a stranger to yourself, right?

If you haven’t read about the first sign, you can do it here and then come back! 

Growing up, there were many things you wanted to do but were told you couldn’t, for whatever reasons. Maybe it was because there wasn't enough money, your caregiver didn't see the value in them, or you simply had no way to get there. When you grow up being told "no" to the things you want to do, or that your feelings and emotions are wrong, for example, you start to lose trust in yourself. You stop listening to your inner guidance and the voice in your heart. You stop trusting your thoughts, thinking maybe you're crazy or completely out of touch. This often leads to feeling like an empty shell of a person

If you relate, I’m sure you want to know yourself. You want to be able to trust yourself, to have that strong connection that many talk about but you can’t seem to find. You want to listen to your body, trust your gut, and listen to your instincts without feeling like a completely crazy person. Often, these issues stem from being told "no" repeatedly growing up. Even after leaving those caregiving situations, you may still struggle to make decisions for yourself–and you’re not the only one!

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