Second Sign You’re Ready To Start Healing: A Strong Desire to Reconnect with Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

If you think you're ready to start your healing journey, or you're not quite sure and looking for a sign, here’s your sign. This is the second sign that you want to feel more connected with who you are on a deep level—mind, body, and spirit—because honestly, you're tired of feeling like a stranger to yourself, right?

If you haven’t read about the first sign, you can do it here and then come back! 

Growing up, there were many things you wanted to do but were told you couldn’t, for whatever reasons. Maybe it was because there wasn't enough money, your caregiver didn't see the value in them, or you simply had no way to get there. When you grow up being told "no" to the things you want to do, or that your feelings and emotions are wrong, for example, you start to lose trust in yourself. You stop listening to your inner guidance and the voice in your heart. You stop trusting your thoughts, thinking maybe you're crazy or completely out of touch. This often leads to feeling like an empty shell of a person.

If you relate, I’m sure you want to know yourself. You want to be able to trust yourself, to have that strong connection that many talk about but you can’t seem to find. You want to listen to your body, trust your gut, and listen to your instincts without feeling like a completely crazy person. Often, these issues stem from being told "no" repeatedly growing up. Even after leaving those caregiving situations, you may still struggle to make decisions for yourself–and you’re not the only one!

When I was growing up, I wanted to take dance classes badly. I love dancing—I'm a horrible dancer, but I love it nonetheless. My dad didn't see the value in dance, so he agreed that if I took dance classes, it had to be on the night my mom had me (for context, they were divorced). I only got to do dance for one season because he didn't sign me up again. Meanwhile, my dad encouraged and fostered my younger brothers’ interest in baseball because he saw the value in it.

This disparity led to me justifying everything I wanted with a perceived value. This issue was prevalent not just in activities but also in fashion. I grew up believing clothes were meant to be functional and not fashionable. I wasn’t allowed trendy clothes like ripped jeans because they were considered a waste of money. I still remember wanting Fila sneakers because everyone had them, but my dad refused to buy them, saying they were too expensive and I’d outgrow them quickly.

Starting my healing journey, I knew I had to reconnect with myself. I signed up for horseback riding lessons because it was something I wanted to do growing up but wasn’t allowed. I took lessons regularly and even took my daughters for trail rides, despite the pushback about it being dangerous and expensive. I also bought myself a pair of ripped jeans, despite feeling awkward at first. I needed to do these things to reconnect with myself on a spiritual level, trusting what I felt in my heart.

Maybe you're in the same place—tired of feeling like a stranger to yourself, tired of feeling like an empty shell of a person and following commands like a machine. Spoiler alert: You might be ready to reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit to have a deeper relationship with yourself. When you go through this journey, you will feel like a completely new person. You'll feel like you've gained a new best friend and won’t want to be separated from that best friend again.

Here are some quick tips to help you get started: 

1- Give yourself time and space to learn about yourself. 

While this process may feel awkward at first, give yourself time to learn about yourself. Date yourself and be okay with spending time alone so that you can actually silence the chatter and hear what you're interested in, what your heart and body are telling you. Maybe you've ignored the signs that you're tired, thinking it's just because you've been busy. But no, it's because you've been pushing through for too long, and your body needs rest.

Listening to your heart and the things you believe in will help you progressively feel complete. You'll start to feel like a human being with its own interests and identity. It's going to be amazing, right?

2- Be open to experimenting as you discover and reconnect with your mind, body, and spirit.

Growing up being told "no" can lead to a lack of self-trust and an inability to make decisions confidently. Reconnecting with yourself means rebuilding that trust and allowing yourself to explore your interests and desires freely and without conditions. It’s about recognizing that your feelings and thoughts are valid and worthy of attention.

When I started my healing journey, I realized how much I had been dismissing my own desires and interests. For so long, I had convinced myself that everything had to have a tangible value to be worthwhile. But through activities like horseback riding and buying those ripped jeans, I learned that some things are worth doing simply because they bring joy and fulfillment.

3- Overcoming internal barriers

Breaking free from the mindset that everything needs to be justified is crucial, it doesn’t mean that it will be easy, tho. It's about allowing yourself the freedom to pursue what makes you happy without needing external validation. This is a significant step in your healing journey.

4- Embrace your authentic self

Healing and reconnecting with your mind, body, and spirit will lead you to a place where you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. You’ll no longer feel the need to conform to others' expectations or seek approval for your choices. Sometimes, this is as simple as remembering what made you happy when you were a child; chances are that your current beliefs stem from your experiences when you were younger, so it’s important to reconnect with that version of yourself. Maybe you were attracted by arts, running, dancing, baking, reading fantasy books, pressing flowers… You know where this goes, right? 

This journey is about embracing your authentic self and recognizing that your interests, feelings, and desires are valid as long as they don’t harm anyone. It's about giving yourself permission to explore and express yourself fully and be silly, boring, or whatever you feel like. 

Your healing journey is unique to you, as it should be, and it will require patience, self-compassion, unlearning, and a willingness to explore new avenues of self-expression. It might feel awkward at first, but with time, you will find a deeper connection with yourself.

Remember, it's okay to take small steps. Start with activities that bring you joy, even if they seem insignificant. Listen to your body, trust your instincts, and allow yourself the freedom to explore. As you do, you’ll find that you’re not only reconnecting with yourself but also discovering a newfound sense of wholeness and fulfillment.

Embrace this journey with an open heart and mind, and you’ll be amazed at the transformation that unfolds.

I’m Kim Keane, coach and energy healer, and I’d love to help you transform your life, your relationships and ultimately build a path toward a loving, peaceful life. DM me or email me at if you want to get personalized support, download my Free Everyday Spirituality Handbook or get my EFT Tapping Booster Session to continue making progress on your healing journey!


The First Sign You're Ready to Begin Your Healing Journey: Putting Yourself First